The company's business operational activities are carried out with a focus on the environment, including efforts towards the conservation of natural resources sustainably. The company's environmental program is implemented by adopting ISO 14001:2015 standards. The company is fully committed to continuous innovation, utilizing eco-friendly technologies, and contributing to energy conservation.


Calliandra Calothyrsus, commonly known as Red Calliandra, is a shrub with dense foliage, averaging 5 meters in height, red flowers, rapid growth, and the ability to thrive in all types of soil.

Benefits of the Calliandra Tree:

  1. Leaves : suitable for animal feed due to their high protein content, enhancing livestock productivity.

  2. Wood : potential biomass substitute for coal, with a calorific value of 4,100 - 4,200 kcal/kg GAR when burned.

  3. Roots : when planted on steep slopes, they can prevent erosion and enrich the soil.

  4. Flowers : serve as food for honey bees, suitable for honey production.

  5. Branches : useful as wood pallets, suitable for export to four-season countries.

PT Semen Padang utilizes Calliandra based on the Triple Bottom Line approach, subsidizing the use of fossil fuel-based materials.

Supporting Indonesia's Forestry and Other Land Uses (FOLU) Net-Sink 2030 Program.

Empowering communities through the utilization of unproductive land.

Fuel cost savings.

Solar Cell

PT Semen Padang utilizes renewable energy for the operation of the Bukit Putus Bag Factory. There are a total of 28 solar cell panels or Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) units built with a capacity of 10 kWp (kilowatt peak). The PLTS system built is an On-Grid system that functions to convert energy from sunlight into electrical energy. This system is the most effective for electricity cost efficiency as it can significantly save on electricity costs. The On-Grid PLTS system does not use batteries; the energy from the PLTS is directly connected to PLN, ensuring maximum utilization of renewable energy for electricity efficiency at the Bag Factory.

Nabuang Sarok

Nabuang Sarok is a program designed to gather high-calorie waste from the community, which can be utilized as an alternative fuel source. Through this web-based program, individuals can deposit plastic waste, paper, textiles, dry biomass, and used cooking oil. In return, depositors can accumulate points that are exchangeable for various items.

In its development, this program is seen as an alternative solution to the waste management challenges in various districts and municipalities in West Sumatra. On September 13, 2022, the Solok City Government signed a cooperation agreement with the Company, followed by the delivery of plastic waste to Semen Padang. Subsequently, several other regions expressed interest in undertaking similar initiatives.

The Company also collaborates with the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) in managing coastal waste in Padang. Coastal waste collected by KKP-assisted fishermen's groups, previously incinerated, is now deposited by fishermen through the Nabuang Sarok program.

Through the Nabuang Sarok program, a portion of the waste issues can be addressed. Simultaneously, the Company gains an alternative fuel source from the collected waste, and equally importantly, communities like fishermen in Padang now have a new means to increase their income.

Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF)

On December 6, 2021, the Company and the Padang City Government entered into a Joint Agreement regarding the utilization of waste management results from the Aie Dingin City Padang Landfill, which will then be used as Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF). Out of 40 cities/districts in Indonesia that applied for RDF financing from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, only 6 cities/districts were selected, and one of them was Padang City.

The construction of RDF in Padang is currently in the Design Engineering Drawing (DED) phase by the Ministry of Public Works and Planning (PUPR), with plans to commence operations in 2024. The RDF processing results from the Aie Dingin Landfill will be used by the Company as an alternative fuel to replace coal in the cement production process.

Pyco Hydro

Since July 2022, the Picohydro Power Plant (PLTA) has been operational at the PT Semen Padang golf course, with an installed capacity of 40 kW, operated by utilizing pipeline channels for cooling water for the factory's equipment. Currently, it generates an average power of 10 kW, depending on water needs and factory operations.

In total, as of December 2022, the energy generated by the renewable energy power plant at PT Semen Padang is 26,560,612.42 kWh or equivalent to a reduction in emissions of approximately 21,514.10 tons of CO2