PT Semen Padang implements the concept of sustainability in line with the Company's vision of environmental awareness and the Board of Directors' Decree of PT Semen Indonesia Tbk. regarding Sustainable Governance. The sustainability concept of PT Semen Padang is based on the Triple Bottom Line (Planet, People, Profit) integrated with ISO 26000 SR, SDGs, and applicable regulations.


Achieving quality economic growth through sustainable job and business opportunities, innovation, inclusive industries, adequate infrastructure, affordable clean energy, and supported partnerships.


Achieving the fulfillment of basic human rights that are fair and equal to enhance the well-being of the entire society.


Sustainable management of natural resources and the environment as the foundation of all life.

Legal and governance

Realizing legal certainty and effective, transparent, accountable, and participatory governance to create security stability and achieve a rule-of-law-based country.