Policy & Guidelines

PT Semen Padang is committed to consistently applying the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) and making it a culture in the company's management, reflected in all its business processes and activities. PT Semen Padang has completed the necessary governance infrastructure and reviewed and improved the soft structure of GCG, including the Good Corporate Governance Code (GCG Code), Code of Ethics Behavior, Fraud Control Program guidelines, and other guidelines to support the improvement of governance implementation quality.

PT Semen Padang has a working guideline for the Board of Commissioners and Directors called the Board Manual. The Board Manual provides guidance on the implementation of work for the Directors and Board of Commissioners, explaining the stages of activities in a structured, systematic, easily understood, and consistently executable manner. This manual serves as a reference for the working relationship between the Directors and Board of Commissioners in carrying out their respective tasks for achieving the company's vision and mission.

Additionally, PT Semen Padang has implemented the SNI ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System since 2022 as part of the Company's Fraud Control Program.

To support PT Semen Padang's efforts in creating and strengthening an anti-corruption and anti-fraud culture, the company has established a Whistleblowing System (WBS) and gratuity reporting channels.

The Whistleblowing System allows both internal and external parties to make complaints and reports if there are indications of violations or suspicious activities related to corruption within the company. Reports can be made by anyone who witnesses such violations by providing clear identification, and the identity of the reporter is protected by PT Semen Padang. Every employee is aware of the current system in place, as documented in the company's Code of Ethics Behavior and various policies and regulations of PT Semen Padang.

Mechanism of Violation Reporting System:

Stage 1

Reporting of violations by the reporter

Stage 2

Administration and clarification of received violation reports

Stage 3

Evaluation of violation reports

Stage 4

Reporting the results of evaluation and investigation of violation reports

Stage 5

Discussion of investigation results

Stage 6

Imposing punishment or sanctions on violators if the report is proven true

The WBS reporting channel is specifically for reporting fraudulent actions/fraud.

Mechanism of Gratuity Reporting System:


Report the receipt to the Unit Pengendalian Gratifikasi (UPG) or Legal & GRC Unit no later than 10 days after receipt.


Submit physical receipt of gratuity no later than 3 working days after reporting.


The UPG will forward the report to the Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) for analysis, verification, and determination of the status of the gratuity receipt.

Gratuity reporting channel (reporting by internal of the company)

  • E-mail: upg.semenpadang@sig.id

  • Phone : +62 811 6615 595/ ext. 2284